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- Ruiz, F. J., Suárez-Falcón, J. C., Sierra, M. A., Montero, K. B., García-Martín, M. B., Bernal, P. A., & Ramírez, E. S. (2017). Psychometric Properties and Factor Structure of the Ruminative Responses Scale-Short Form in Colombia. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 17, 199-208.
- Ruiz, F. J., García-Martín, M. B., Suárez-Falcón, J. C., & Odriozola-González, P. (2017). The hierarchical factor structure of the Spanish version of the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale – 21. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 17, 93-101.
- Ruiz, F. J., Suárez-Falcón, J. C., & Riaño-Hernández, D. (2017). Validity evidence of the Spanish version of the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire – 8. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 20, eX, 1-9
- Ruiz, F. J., Suárez-Falcón, J. C., Riaño-Hernández, D., & Gillanders, D. (2017). Psychometric properties of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire in Colombia. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 49, 80-87.
- Monestès, J. L., Karekla, M., Jacobs, N., Michaelides, M., Hooper, N., Kleen, M., Ruiz, F. J., Miselli, G., Prestti, G., Luciano, C., Villatte, M., Bond, F. W., Kishita, N., & Hayes, S. C. (2017). Experiential avoidance as a common psychological process in European cultures. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. DOI: 10.1027/1015-5759/a000327
- Ruiz, F. J., & Odriozola-González, P. (2017). A longitudinal comparison of metacognitive therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy models of anxiety disorders. Anales de Psicología, 33, 7-17.
- Gil-Luciano, B., Ruiz, F. J., Valdivia-Salas, S., & Suárez-Falcón, J. C. (2017). Promoting Psychological Flexibility on Tolerance Tasks: Framing Behavior Through Deictic/Hierarchical Relations and Specifying Augmental Functions. The Psychological record. 67. 1-9. 10.1007/s40732-016-0200-5
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- Ruiz, F. J., Riaño-Hernández, D., Suárez-Falcón, J. C., & Luciano, C. (2016). Effect of a one-session ACT protocol in disrupting repetitive negative thinking. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 16, 213-233.
- Ruiz, F. J., Suárez-Falcón, J. C., Cárdenas-Sierra, S., Durán, Y. A., Guerrero, K., & Riaño-Hernández, D. (2016). Psychometric properties of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire – II in Colombia. The Psychological Record, 66, 429-437.
- Ruiz, F. J., Suárez-Falcón, J. C., & Riaño-Hernández, D. (2016). Psychometric properties of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale in Colombian undergraduates. Suma Psicológica, 23, 18-24.
- Ruiz, F. J., Suárez-Falcón, J. C., Barón-Rincón, D., Barrera, A., Martínez, A., & Peña, A. (2016). Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale Revised in Colombian undergraduates. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 48, 81-87.
- Ruiz, F. J., & Odriozola-González, P. (2016). The role of psychological inflexibility in Beck’s cognitive model of depression in a sample of undergraduates. Anales de Psicología, 32, 441-447.
- Parra, I., & Ruiz, F. J. (2016). The effect on intelligence quotient of training fluency in relational frames of coordination. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 16, 1-12.
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- Ruiz, F. J., & Luciano, C. (2015). Common physical properties among relational networks improve analogy aptness. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 103, 498-510.
- Vizcaíno-Torres, R. M., Ruiz, F. J., Luciano, C., López-López, J. C., Barbero-Rubio, A., & Gil, E. (2015). The effect of relational training on intelligence quotient. Psicothema, 27, 120-127.
- Ruiz, F. J., & Perete, L. (2015). Application of a relational frame account of psychological flexibility in young children. Psicothema, 27, 114-119.
- Ruiz, F. J., & Odriozola-González, P. (2015). Comparing cognitive, metacognitive, and acceptance and commitment therapy models of depression: A longitudinal study survey. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 18, e39, 1-9
- Ruiz, F. J., Suárez-Falcón, J. C., Odriozola-González, P., Barbero-Rubio, A., López-López, J. C., Eisenbeck, N., Budziszewska, L., & Gil, E. (2015). Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the “Dysfunctional Attitude Scale-Revised”. Behavioral Psychology/Psicología Conductual, 23, 287-303.